Join PyGotham TV on Discord!

PyGotham is using Discord for attendee chat during the conference. Join us for conversation about the talks, sprints, open spaces, and more. In order to join the PyGotham server you will need a Discord account and a (free!) PyGotham TV registration using the same email address as your Discord account.

1. Register for PyGotham TV

To be added to our Discord server you need to register for the conference using the same email address as your Discord account.

Already registered? Skip to step 2.

Register for PyGotham TV

2. Log in to Discord

Log in to your existing account or create a new one.

Note: The email address for your Discord account must match your PyGotham TV registration. If you already registered using a different email address, you may register again with the matching address. There is no need to cancel your duplicate registration.

Log in to Discord

3. Link your Registration

The link below will take you to a Discord page asking you to give us permission to see your Discord account email address and to add your account to our server. We will use this to validate your registration and then add you to the server.

Verify Registration

If you have any trouble with this process, please email for help.